Studying a Wildlife Subject

One of the things I have started to do is learn a little more about the subjects I am photographing.  It is not enough anymore to just make photos of the subjects I am seeing.  I have started to be a lot more deliberate, especially with birds since I have an easier time studying them given my close proximity to a park.  There currently is a family of burrowing owls in the park near where I live near.  I have photographed them several times already in the process of me doing a walk around the park over the course of a little over a month.  So already had plenty of images of them.  Last night, I spent the majority of my time there trying to better understand these adorable birds.  It was so fascinating to watch them.  They were pretty tolerant of my being there.  I moved very slowly or just sat in the grass hoping they would know I wasn't a threat.  I made about 200 images of the owls last night. 200!  I just kept shooting.  I tried not to be indiscriminate.  After all, I was going to have to go through all of them.  What I learned about these owls, they are willing to stay near burrowing hole even if someone is relatively close as long as they don't feel threatened.  They blend in well with their surroundings providing a natural camouflage.  Below are a few of my favorite shots made last night.


Burrowing Owl rock3.jpg
Burrowing Owl and rock.jpg
Burrowing Owl Ground1.jpg

Light Matters

A few days ago I was fortunate to photograph a family of Burrowing Owls.  These little birds are so expressive and cute.  I don't see them often so when I do, I want to make the shot. During the last time of photographing, the light was less than ideal.  The light was coming from slightly above and behind the owls.  This caused the image light to be somewhat harsh. Still, I made it work.  Fast-forward a few days. A friend and I went out to catch the golden hour light.  We were lucky to find the family of owl out AND in a location that allowed the light to fall on them perfectly.  There were no harsh shadows and the light gave them a nice, soft color.  Below are a few images from the most recent trip.  Compare them to the previous images and I think you will see what I mean.
