I recently took a few macro photography classes. One was on how to make pictures of flowers using macro techniques and one was insect macro photography. As you may have notice from previous posts, I frequently go to my local regional park "Contra Loma Regional Park". Normally I am looking for opportunities to take pictures of the seasonal birds. Well, after taking the classes I decided my focus on this particular walk would be completely macro. I am a creature of habit and always bring my wildlife lens with me. It is what is my comfort zone in that park. In order not to be able to fall back on that, I only brought my 105mm macro lens and my Lensbaby Velvet 56. I didn't want to even have that crutch. I am glad I went this route. It forced me to look at and appreciate different aspects of the park, things I wouldn't have even noticed before because I would look for bigger and better things. Below are a few of the initial images made.
In the past I would have not even paid any attention to these. They are merely weeds. But for me, looking closely with the macro lens made me look at them in a whole new way.
Then of course, I started looking for insects. I really wanted to capture things I haven't captured before. I still have some work to do in that area but more trips are planned. There were plenty of dragonflies and damselflies to make images of. I have taken pictures of these critters before but always with the 200-500mm. That was ok but using the macro lens allowed me to get closer and I could actually capture them head on with tremendous detail.
I was happy with the results. But I also wanted to try and capture other types of bugs. Things I never even realized were in the park. I saw several different critters but wasn't able to capture them, yet, except this one. I have no idea what it is but it is colorful.
I realize with these critters I should have been more parallel with them so both would have been tack sharp. But that is where the patience comes in. It was quite windy out and I was challenged to keep them in focus. Ultimately though, I am happy with my new found adventure opportunities at that park.
Oh, aside from the insects, I found this lizard happily sunning himself. :-)