Macro and Close Up Photography-Practice with the Sigma 150mm Macro Lens

I decided to photograph images that would allow me to practice macro techniques and employ some of what I recently learned in the classes I have taken.  I am working on trying to find new and interesting ways to photograph flowers.  Flowers are so interesting with all the shapes and lines that they are made up of but trying to capture that interest can sometimes be a challenge for me.  I will continue to study and practice shooting with a more discerning eye.  Some of the techniques I utilized for this round were "filling the frame" technique, selective focus, the multiple exposure technique, and the compressed background technique.  

The first image is of a daisy.  I wanted to make an image that show the lines shooting out from the yellow center of the flower.  I used the fill the frame technique.  It felt so dramatic to me.  The second image of the daisy was similar but the yellow center wasn't centered.

I made a third image of the daisy.  This time I used the selective focus technique.  The yellow center was the focus with the white petal softly out of focus.  

The image of the rose was made using the multiple exposure setting in my camera.  I selected two exposures to be combined.  The first image was shot at f20 to get the greatest depth of focus.  The second image was made completely out of focus.  Once combined, I was able to get the soft, painterly look.

Finally, the final image wasn't made at my home but was made at the Ruth Bancroft Garden.  I made image with the compressed background technique in mind.  I love how that technique (and a more wide open aperture) can soften and blur an otherwise unattractive background.  

All of the images below were made with the Sigma 150mm macro lens.  It is a new lens for me and so far, I have been impressed with the lens.


White Daisy 3.jpg
White Daisy 2.jpg
White Daisy 1.jpg
Rose DE1.jpg